Q: How can I contact Insul-Quilt?
A: We frequently specify the product, but do not manufacture or sell it. Please go to their web link below or contact Insul-Quilts at (833) 853-6444 for information from the manufacturer.
Q: How do I use Insul-Quilt to improve acoustic performance in my sound stage or studio environment?
A: Bastien and Associates, Inc. specializes in designing studios and sound stages, and we have chosen to specify Insul-Quilt on our projects because of its high acoustic performance. We have received no compensation from Insul-Quilt whatsoever. The product helps us design our facilities to meet the high standards of the film industry in Southern California and around the world. We do emphasize that sound absorption and resonance control is not simply a matter of applying a product to the wall surface, however. Proper detailing of wall sections, roof sections, and structural connections, combined with proper attachment of the Insul-Quilt product, is what makes Bastien-designed stages superior to non purpose-built facilities.
Q: What major studios use Insul-Quilt?
A: All Bastien-designed stages use Insul-Quilt.